Saturday, July 17, 2010

♥NYCO Concert 2010 丝竹情韵♥

It was yesterday's night.
The night.
Our night.
Our success night.
NYCO Concert 2010 丝竹情韵was a huge SUCCESS!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

BRP Water and Plant Growth Experiment

Today after school, Sarah and I went to measure the mass of duckweeds after they are placed in different conditions to collect data for our BRP Science. I realised how slimy (eww...) the duckweeds can be and they will stick to the spoon or your fingers as though there is some kind of magnetic attraction between them XD

Here are some pictures:

1 more day to NYCO Concert 2010 :D

Tomorrow, NYCO will be presenting 丝竹情韵 Concert 2010 at Singapore Conference Hall! I am so excited now! :D
JIAYOUS NYCO! *\(^^)/*
~music from the heart ♥

Thursday, July 15, 2010

2 more days to NYCO Concert 2010 :D

Say cheese! Maybe you can even put "rabbit ears" over your friends head. (Hehe ^^) Why? Because...
NYCO Concert 2010 is in 2 days time!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

3 more days to NYCO Concert 2010 :D

Time is creeping by really fast. Maybe I can describe it as the metronome which constantly hypnotises me with its crazy speed... (LOL ^^) In 3 more days, it will be NYCO's BIG DAY! It's the time when everyone play at their very best after after practising for the umpteenth time!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

NYCO Concert 2010 Rehearsal

4 more days to the concert. We had our full dress rehearsal today at Singapore Conference Hall, we runners moving chairs, making markings and memorising last changes to position of stands and chairs... All of us were exhausted after a long long day.

When I am tired,
There are my batchmates pushing me forward;
When I am tired,
There are my seniors pushing me forward;
When I am tired,
There is NYCO pushing me forward;
When I am tired,
It is the passion for NYCO that I have deep in my heart pushing me forward.
~Edited from Pipa senior Hui Lin's post on NYCO blog

Monday, July 12, 2010

5 more days to NYCO Concert 2010 :D

Just 5 days left.
A short 5 days.
Really short.
You can count it with one hand.
Lots of practices,
hard work,
and not forgetting passion.
Passion for NYCO.
We can do it *\(^^)/*

French Petit Test 4

Ok, I agree. I wasn't that bad. At least I knew how to do MOST of the questions (but not all still...) And I scored 13.5/15 so I maybe could count that as an accomplishment considering the fact that I barely revised for it. Madame Au still has not return us our controles 2 yet though we took it in Term 2. But I think it is actually not a bad thing as I am perfectly honest that the controles 2 was really, really toughD:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

7 more days to NYCO Concert 2010 :D

NYCO Concert 2010 丝竹情韵

1 more week to go before the most awesome NYCO will be performing at Singapore Conference Hall! *\(^^)/*

Tickets are SOLD OUT!!! :D

Visit to Kin Yan Agrotech Farm

This morning we went on a visit to Kin Yan Agrotech farm. Even though there were lots of cobwebs on the chairs, we really enjoyed our time there (especially during the food sampling session...) :)

The folllowing are some of photos taken on this trip:

Sadly, I didn't capture the image of the two plates of stir-fried black fungus and oyster mushroom after being emptied by the 3 classes who went to the farm (hehe...) XD I ♥ sampling food :D

Friday, July 9, 2010

Home Economics and Chemistry Practical

Today's our FIRST Home Economics cooking session *\(^^)/* We made chicken burger though all of us thought the burger patty was not salty enough. NX and XY burned their burger patties as they did not kow how to adjust the flame of the stove fire D: Luckily SW and my burger patties are nicely fried :) The aroma was totally awesome (until NX and XY burnt their burger patties...)

Today was also our FIRST Chemistry lab session :D We did LOTS of experiments including burning magnesium, sugar and copper II sulphate and carrying out electrolysis to break water up into simpler substances (in this case hydrogen and oxygen). The magnesium spark was very very very bright.

French Petit Test 4 coming... Better recall my Le Passe Compose...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

NYCO Concert 2010 丝竹情韵

NYCO Concert 2010 丝竹情韵

When: 17 July, 7.30p.m.

Where:Singapore Conference Hall

Counting down 9 more days to our concert... Not Your Conventional Orchestra♥ Proudly presents :D

Practice makes perfect. Jiayous to those who are performing *\(^^)/*